아듀 퐁고... (종료)라사리아 리조트 오랑우탄 관찰프로그램 종료 안내 > 현지통신

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아듀 퐁고... (종료)라사리아 리조트 오랑우탄 관찰프로그램 종료 안내

페이지 정보

작성자 이상오 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일16-03-04 22:45 조회3,802회 댓글0건


코타키나바루 해립니다.

오는 2016년 3월 31일부로 샹그릴라 라사리아 리조트 내에 위치한 네이처센터에서 운영하던
오랑우탄 관찰 프로그램이 종료 됩니다.

사바주 야생동물 보호 기구에서 위탁 받아서 운영 하였던 본 프로그램은
부모를 잃은 어린 오랑우탄을 보육하여 자연으로 방생하는 과정을 수행하는 과정에 있었습니다.

고아인 오랑우탄을 보육하며 자연으로 돌아가기위한 치유의 과정에서 샹그릴라 라사리아 리조트를 찾아주시는 고객님들께 오랑우탄에 대한 바른 인식을 제공하고 자연보호에 대한 의식을 일깨워 주었습니다.

사바주정부의 야생동물 보호 기구의 결정으로 3월 31일로 오랑우탄 관찰 프로그램은 종료 된다고 합니다.

오랑우탄은 보실 수 없게 되었지만 새로이 운영되는 자연관찰 프로그램을 공지 해왔습니다.

앞으로도 샹그릴라 라사리아 리조트의 자연프로그램에 대한 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.


이상오 또는 해리 올림

아래는 라사리아 리조트에서 공식적으로 보내온 이메일 원문입니다.
Dear Mr.Harry,

Greetings from Shangri-La's Rasa Ria Resort and Spa!

With regards to your enquiry through Ms Olga, I  would like to apologize for any inconvenience arising from this matter.

I know you will appreciate that the rehabilitation program focuses on the very specific needs of the orangutan's and their well being is of course paramount.  Due to the long and ultimately successful conservation efforts undertaken by Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD), the number of orphaned orangutans found in the wild within Sabah has reduced drastically, hence the need to centralize all rehabilitation programs to Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (SORC).

We are fully agree that providing timely information to our guests is vital and can assure you that immediately following the decision, made with guidance from SWD, we shared it with our trade partners on 31 January 2016.  In the interim we have gone to great lengths to ensure any guests holding a booking have been properly informed and assisted as necessary.

Our Orang Utan rehabilitation program will end on 31st March 2016. Despite the absence of orang utans at the resort, we will still continue with the conservation of flora and especially fauna at the reserve, with the many other indigenous animals roaming within the 64-acre rain forest.

The amazing wildlife can be observed during activities such as our jungle walk and nocturnal watch with the opportunity to spot the exotic flying fox, pangolin, sambar deer, slow loris, western tarsier, long tailed macaque, bear cat (binturong), civet cat and mouse deer. In addition, there are many rare species of birds such as the hooded pitta, white crown king sharma and the dollar bird.

For guests seeking an up close and personal encounter with the orang utans, the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre in Sandakan which is located in the east coast and approximately a 45-minute flight from Kota Kinabalu would be the ideal venue to observe these magnificent creatures. The entrance fee is MYR30 per adult and viewing times are at 9.00am and 2.00pm daily.

Alternatively, the orang utans can be observed at the Lok Kawi Wildlife Park located in Penampang, just an hour drive from the Rasa Ria.

For your ease of reference I have attached further details of the NIC, together with our top ten list of great things to do in and around Rasa Ria.

Celebrating Rasa Ria Resort and Spa’s 20th anniversary this summer, we are currently planning an expansion of our conservation activities.  More resources are therefore being focused on the NIC to enhance current activities and also to add new opportunities to enjoy unique nature, culture and adventure experiences.

Thank you once again for your email and comments on this topic. 

Yours sincerely,
Eileen Isabela, DOSM Secretary
Shangri-La's Rasa Ria Resort & Spa,
Dalit Bay Golf & Country Club
Pantai Dalit, PO BOX 600, Tuaran, Sabah Malaysia
(6088) 797888  www.shangri-la.com/kotakinabalu/rasariaresort/


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